30 Apr Lincoln Depot Opens for 2018 Season

Lincoln Depot Museum Opens for 2018
For Immediate Release
Monday, April 9, 2018
Contact: John G. Testa, Board President, at 914-760-9773
The Lincoln Depot Museum is excited to announce the start of the 2018 season with an
Opening Weekend event on April 21 and 22, 2018.
The weekend theme is “19th Century Photographs” and will feature two expert presenters, one each day, to discuss the wonder of 19th Century photography through the Carte de Visite (CdV).
Saturday’s presentation, “One Family’s Journey During the Time of Lincoln” will be given by Historian and Researcher Lance Ingmire. Lance will tell the story of photographer FW Ingmire’s collection of Lincoln related CdV’s and photos, and the connection of the Ingmire family to the Civil War, including his research on the 95th NY Infantry. He has more than 14 relatives who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He has been painstakingly writing the regimental history of the 95th New York and has made over 150 trips to the National Archives in Washington, DC for research as well as numerous field trips to many battlefields where the 95th was engaged, especially Gettysburg, Pa.
Lance has served as President of the Friends of US Grant Cottage, (Grant’s last residence), and President of the Friends of the NY State Military Museum and organized the Saratoga Civil War Encampment which educated and entertained the residents for 7 years. He also served as Chair of the New York State Sesquicentennial Committee of the Civil War. He co-authored and was business manager for “The Centennial History of Saratoga Springs, NY”, published in 2015 and authored the chapter on “Saratoga During the Civil War”.
Sunday’s presentation will be “Cardomania! The Rise and Fall of the Carte de Visite in Civil War America.” Join Ron Coddington, author of four books of collected Civil War portraits and editor and publisher of Military Images magazine, as he tells the story of the rise and fall of the carte de visite—and what became of them.
In 2004, a collection of columns became part of Ron’s first book, Faces of the Civil War: An Album of Union Soldiers and Their Stories. A companion volume, Faces of the Confederacy: An Album of Southern Soldiers and Their Stories, followed in 2008. Four years later, the publication of African American Faces of War: An Album marked the third book in the series. A fourth volume, Faces of the Civil War Navies: An Album of Union and Confederate Sailors, was released in 2016. Copies of his books will be available after the presentation.
For more details on the Opening Weekend events or to obtain tickets in advance go to:
The doors of the museum will open at 1 PM and the presentations will begin at 2 PM each day. Admission will be $10.00 per person with children 12 and under and museum members free.
New Items on Display for 2018
The Lincoln Depot exhibit: “New York and Abraham Lincoln: The Indispensable Relationship,” will include new artifacts on loan and in the museum’s growing permanent collection, including a campaign desk used throughout the Civil War by Major John William De Forest and purported to also have been used by President Lincoln during a visit to the encampment near Richmond.
Many Events Planned Throughout the Year
The Lincoln Depot Museum will be featuring a full line up of events for 2018. There will be a series of outstanding presentations, lectures and events throughout the season and will host the third annual official Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony. More details on these and other upcoming events will be published soon.
The 2018 season for the Lincoln Depot Museum will run from April 21 to November 10. The museum will be open every Saturday and Sunday, excluding holidays, from 1-4 PM. For further information, visit the museum website at lincolndepotmuseum.org or call at 914-402-4318. The Lincoln Depot Museum is located at 10 S. Water Street in Peekskill, NY.
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